Weekly Digest: What did you miss on GBSConnect this week?

Hi all and happy Friday! 

Here is everything you may have missed on GBSConnect this week! 

Q&A featuring David Cohen: We are so excited to announce our next Q&A featuring David Cohen, IT Senior Director and Digital Transformation Leader. Join us on Tuesday, May 28th from 12:00-12:45 pm EST as we discuss all things GBS! We love visiting with you in real time and can’t wait to answer all of your questions. To register, like or comment on this blog or email me at Ashley.martin@inixia.com and you will receive a calendar invitation.

Hicks Law and GBS: In the professional group, David Cohen highlighted an intriguing perspective on Hicks Law’s relevance in GBS. It discusses the importance of crafting systems with optimal capabilities to meet business needs while ensuring user-friendliness. Take a look!

The Body of Knowledge: We had a helpful tip shared that explained the benefits of the Body of Knowledge within GBSConnect. Currently, the question of what technologies are most useful in the rapidly growing industry of GBS continues to stand. Luckily, in the Body of Knowledge, we keep a ton of information on this topic, and many, many more. We encourage you to check it out! 

AI first or data first?: Lastly, Tony Saldanha brought up an interesting question that a GBS leadership participant had asked. The question was, “does the concept of data first or AI first – which some product companies are embracing – have a parallel for GBS leaders?” This created quite the discussion in the professional group. I highly suggest you check it out and even provide your own feedback on this enticing question. 

Thanks for everyone’s engagement this week. We love seeing the community flourish! Don’t forget that we are extending the free trial through June. So please take advantage of all the amazing offerings that GBSConnect has to offer! 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.