Weekly Digest: What did you miss on GBSConnect this week?

Happy Friday!

Don’t forget the good news! We are extending the free trial through the end of June! This means that you have full access to the Body of Knowledge, you can create unlimited blogs, create forum topics, and even have access the mentorship program. We are also offering an early bird discountto secure 20% off any membership, sign up before the end of June 2024! Use the code “inixiamemboffer”. 

Now, let’s highlight some of the most interesting posts on GBSConnect this week.

Navigating the Path Ahead: First of all, here is an interesting article that talks about BPO. In this article, check out what Nick Jawa has to say about what 2024 holds in regards to the BPO world.

Exploring Value Delivery in GBS: Insights from Christine Dauenhauer and Community Experiences: Secondly, Christine Dauenhauer brought up a really good point that spoke about how we, as GBS professionals, analyze how our services deliver value. Some of the ways we do this include customer behavior and satisfaction. In this thread, members discuss their experiences. I highly encourage you to check it out and maybe even add your experience as well.

GBS and Its Growth: Finally, Filippo Passerini discusses how GBS is gaining traction as the catalyst for enterprise transformation, regardless of maturity level. Check out this post and add your own thoughts on what this traction means for GBS professionals and organizations.

Finally, I have a challenge for you! We are offering 3 Inixia spotlight positions to the first 3 people who share their top predictions on new methods or tools for improving supplier management in light of global supply chain disruptions. Post in the next 7 days to be featured! Winners will get a spotlight post that will be shared on GBSConnect, LinkedIn, our email updates to the Inixia Community, and in our weekly GBSConnect blogs!

Again, thank you for you engagement within the community! See you next week and have a wonderful weekend!